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Whistle Training!

Hello my canine lovers!

In this post i will be talking about the benefits of whistle training.

I started whistle training with Milo recently because he has this annoying thing called "SELECTIVE HEARING". So whenever i called Milo he was probably hearing "ignore me and keep sniffing!" ... you can imagine how annoyed i would get.

An example of Milo in whistle training in the video on the right, Milo has been taught to be vocal when he has done something good...i urge you NOT to train your dog to do that! HAHA

A whistle is a sharper and louder noise which is difficult for dogs to ignore. When training make sure you have a treat your dog will be interested in such as cocktail sausages! (Milo goes nuts for them!) This is how i trained Milo to recall for a whistle.

  1. Place Milo into a controlled position (in my case a sit)

  2. Command Milo to wait with a firm voice

  3. Took 5 paces away from Milo. if he got up I would return to his side and set him up in the controlled position again.

  4. When I got 5 paces away I blew 2 short sharp blasts on the whistle and shouted come, When Milo returned to me i would treat him, if he wandered off i would start over.

  5. Milo quickly realized that 2 short sharp blasts on the whistle means "COME"

One skill you need to have when doing any type of training with your dog is PATIENCE! Ive seen so many dog owners give up or get exasperated with their dog because they aren't picking it up in the first ten minutes of training... remember that all dogs are different, some may pick it up in the first session and some could take weeks but they will eventually get the hang of it, you just have to persevere! I started training Milo when he was just 12 weeks old and he was a fast learner so i got lucky!

An important thing to remember in whistle training is using hand gestures! For example when i ask Milo to sit with the whistle i blow one sharp blast with the whistle WHILST motioning for him to sit. Now thankfully Milo only needs the whistle for recall when he is having a "deaf day" but I still train him whistle commands in case the day comes where he does lose his hearing completely! TIP: When using hand gestures they must be outside the outline of your body, if you put your hand in front of your chest your dog may not see it!

Lastly find the right balance with training. There should be fun aspects as it is a bonding session with your dog but there should also be discipline, you dont want your dog picking and choosing when they will behave. I will always recommend Kennel Club Trainers because they really know what they are doing plus Milo was Kennel Club trained and is basically PERFECT!

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, i do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!

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