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Abroad with your pooch!

Hello my Canine Lovers! In this post I will be talking about all the things you need to do when taking your dog on holiday abroad with you!

I have often thought about taking Milo abroad with me to the alps but I never really thought about what id have to do when taking him on holiday, so recently I asked my vet what I would have to do and here is some of the helpful information I was given!

1) Make sure your dog is up to date with their rabies vaccination (wait 21 days after before travelling abroad)

2) Have your vet check that your dogs microchip is in good working order and can be positively identified.

3) Have the new issued pet passport (old style passports will remain valid)

4) If you are going for a long period of time it would be a good idea to take your dog to their vet for a health check to make sure they are 100% before travelling.

One of the most important things when taking your dog abroad is that your dog MUST be treated for tapeworm by a vet between one to five days before returning to the UK and proof of this must be signed in your pets passport correctly. However this treatment is not required for dogs returning from Finland, Ireland or Malta.

I would highly recommend looking up a vet local to your holiday destination or asking your vet if they know of one in that area so you know where to go in case of emergency and to get your dogs tapeworm pill administered before you leave to come home.

You will also want to think about how you will travel with your dog, flying isn't always an option if your dog gets easily stressed! Dogs can travel with you on the channel tunnel now which is always helpful if you hate leaving your fur baby!

A dog first aid kit is always a good idea! you can search online for a checklist of things to go in this kit such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, tick remover, bandage tape and more.

If you are still unsure of what you should be doing when travelling abroad with your dog consult with your local vet and read the PDF file created by the Animal Welfare Foundation all about going abroad with your dog (link below)

Lastly if like me your planning to take your dog to the alps you may want to invest in a thermal coat and snow shoes...for you and the dog!

A big thank you to Vicky at Whitstable Bay Veterinary Centre for providing the information and for sending me the Animal Welfare Foundation leaflet where the information was sourced from :)

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! I know this was quite a long post but hopefully it has helped any of you wanting to take your dog abroad (like me!) but didnt know what you needed to do! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, I do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!


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