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Can i see some ID?

Hello my Canine Lovers! This post is all about Dog Identification and how you are required to have it by law.

Now a lot of people do not seem to realize that dog identification is actually required by the law and that you can be charged up to £5000 if your dog is not wearing suitable identification.

You might be wondering, "what is suitable identification?" Well you can either have a dog id tag or a barrel, both of which attach to the lead ring on your dogs collar. Below are examples of what your dog tag should have engraved onto it provided by The Kennel Club:

It is also optional to put your dogs name on the tag however it is advised not to as it can lead to thieves earning your dogs trust by knowing their name and stealing your dog.

Dog tags can also be a huge help if your dog goes missing so that people can contact you if they find them. My westie Milo went missing on the beach once and thankfully was found by a lovely lady who phoned all 3 numbers on his tag to make sure we knew he was safe!

So please for your dogs safety (and to avoid a pretty hefty fine!) buy a dog identification tag with the correct information and put it on your dogs collar.

Plus your dogs ID does not have to be boring, you can customize your tags, put funny things on the front like the tag in the middle! On the right is a barrel in case you did not fancy an ID tag, they unscrew and have a piece of paper inside that you write all the details on, put the paper back in the barrel and then screw it all back on and attach to your dogs collar ring. I personally prefer dog tags to dog barrels as i have never lost a tag but have lost about 3 barrels!

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! This post was a long one! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, I do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!

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