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DO & G

Hello my Canine Lovers, it has been too long since i last blogged so here is one hot off the keyboard! This post is all about the DO & G Silk Expressions Dog Collar in Grey.

I found this beauty of a collar whilst at the Kent County Show, I had been searching for a new, modern looking collar for Milo when I came across The Canine Collection stall and saw it hanging amongst many other pretty collars. I loved the fabric, it was modern and stylish, the colour contrasts well with Milos white coat and makes him look even more handsome.

Here are a few pictures of my boy modelling the collar!

As you can see it is a buckle collar which I prefer personally, the buckle, lead ring and holes are a beautiful silver to give the collar that extra something! It is a very sturdy and I have been informed that it is good in all weathers unlike some fabric collars where the stitching becomes loose or the colour runs from the rain.

I only paid £12.00 for this collar which I think is a very fair price, as I said at the beginning of this post this collar was from The Canine Collection (click their name to go to website)

I will also link DO & G below as they did create this fabulous collar! And for those who are wondering how many collars my Milo has had in his lifetime, he has had 8!

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! This post was short but sweet! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, I do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!

If you want links to products Ive mentioned they are at the bottom of this post!

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