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Pedi Paws

Hello my Canine Lovers! In todays post I will be talking all about the Pedi Paws Nail Trimmer!

When it comes to getting Milos nails cut it is a battle! He will try and run away, if your holding him he squirms...its just IMPOSSIBLE! One day whilst searching on the net I found Pedi Paws Nail Trimmer, however I didnt buy it as it did have some bad reviews. Today at the dogs trust fun day in Canterbury I came across one for only £2 (At that price it doesn't matter if it turns out to be bad!)

When I got home I tested it out on Milos claws, at first he didn't like the noise and vibrations but with perseverance he got used to it and even relaxed whilst I was doing it! As you can see from the photo above your dogs claw goes into the claw shaped hole in the head of the nail trimmer, you then switch it on and slowly file the claw down to the length you want. I personally really like this product so far but I have heard some negative feedback to it such as, it drains the batteries very quickly, it doesn't go very fast and that peoples dogs have ran away from it due to the noise it makes. I think it goes fast enough for Milo and is very good at filing claws, however I think it would be faster if you regularly filed your dogs claws with this after they have been cut because if they are too long it will take a very long time to file all of the claws down and you may end up just getting them cut again which kind of defeats the point of the product!

(Video of the Pedi Paw Nail Trimmer when turned on)

The Pedi Paws Nail Trimmer comes with 3 filing heads, but when they are worn down and no longer good you can buy refills quite cheap online.

If this product works well for you then fantastic! If not then Im sure there is another product out there to help with your dogs claws, If you have one in mind message me the name and price and I may buy and review it!

Lastly whenever filing or cutting your dogs claws always be careful to not cut the quick as this can cause trauma/stress to your dog and could lead to them having a fear of having their claws cut. Dont know what the quick is? No worries, below is a nail trimming diagram which explains the quick!

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! This post was short but sweet! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, I do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!

If you want links to products Ive mentioned they are at the bottom of this post!

Pedi Paws Nail Trimmer:

Pedi Paws Nail Trimmer Refills:

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