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Doggy Dinner!

Hello my Canine Lovers! In this post I will be talking all about what I feed Milo every day for his dinner.

So to start off with, what do I feed Milo? Good question! Milo is fed strictly on RAW food (Natures Menu) now once a day, you can of course feed your dog twice a day but I have found Milo is better having just one. I used to just cut up carrots to mix in with his mince HOWEVER I have done my research and am trying some new ingredients, they are:

  • 1 Teaspoon Low Fat Natural Yogurt

  • 1 Raw Egg

  • A Sprinkling of Parsley

  • 2 Blueberries

It may sound odd but all these ingredients have their perks for dogs, which are:

Yogurt - Low Fat Natural Yogurt is a nice topping for a dogs meal and also provides a probiotic booster.

Raw Egg - This can contain many benefits such as, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Folate ,Vitamin B12, Iron, Selenium. A lot of people worry that feeding a dog raw egg can give them salmonella, however dogs have a higher immune system then we do and are less likely to get salmonella, this does not mean that eggs should be the mainstay of your dogs diet! Everything in moderation, Milo will only have an egg every other day.

Parsley - Believe it or not a sprinkling of Parsley can provide cancer fighting phytochemicals that are usually missing from commercial dog food. I add my parsley fresh straight into Milos bowl, I don't let it defrost with the raw food!

Blueberries - I cut up two blueberries and mix them into Milos raw food, these provide antioxidants. According to what I have read it should be a couple of blueberries per ten pounds of body weight.

Now you don't have to put any of these in your dogs food bowl, I am simply trialing these ingredients to see if they benefit Milo, your dog may react completely differently to mine. As i always say everything must be in moderation! I sourced a lot of my information from The Dog Food Dude, I found a lot of his information helpful.

Lastly I will always feed Milo on Raw food as I have seen so many benefits from it and how healthy it has made him! Before raw food Milo would have terrible poos (gross i know!), his coat wasn't as soft and he wasn't as bouncy! He has been on raw food for almost a year and I would never change his diet again...I mean just look at that happy westie baby! We are PRO RAW FOOD! If your thinking about feeding your dog raw food please do your reasearch and make sure its the right food for your dog.

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! This post was short but sweet! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, I do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!

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