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Dog Warning Products

Hello Canine Lovers!

One of the pleasures of having a dog is going on nice walks together, strengthening the bond between you both...However if your dog is very nervous or can be aggressive this can make you dread your walks as other people and their dogs don't know how your dog feels. For example somebodies dog could be

running off lead, you have your dog on lead and the other dog runs up to you, the owner is shouting that their dog is friendly but yours may not be and by the time you have informed the owner its too late, your dog may be trying to run away scared or is lashing out which is the last thing you want.

Now you might already be going through professional training to help your dog but this product could help when your out walkies! These are Dog Warning Harnesses, you may have already seen them before, they help inform other owners about your dogs needs or behavior such as FRIENDLY, CAUTION, NERVOUS, UNFRIENDLY, BLIND, DEAF.

You can also get this on dog coats, leads and collars! You may be thinking "How will someone see the writing on my dogs lead or harness from a distance? Well another good thing about these products is that some are actually colour coded (GREEN = FRIENDLY)

Another reason these are such good products is if your dog was to run off whilst on a walk or managed to escape your property then when someone finds them they can see by their collar or harness if they are friendly or not to avoid any bites or stressing the dog out any further.

These products aren't expensive at all and will help give you peace of mind when out walking. You can usually find them at dog shows on trade stands or you can simply order one off of companies like Amazon.

I hope you enjoyed this post canine lovers, it was short but sweet! Hopefully if your dog has needs or has behaviour issues this may have helped you! Don't forget to follow us on social media to keep up to date with all of our posts!

Want to order one of the products mentioned in this post? Click the link below!

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