Hello Canine lovers, in this post I will be discussing the dog breeding licenses in the United Kingdom.
For those who dont know, on the 1st of October 2018 the government introduced new dog breeding licensing laws. This was aimed to help tackle puppy farms where dogs are being over bred and puppies are being sold without any health screenings or care for their health or well being. They were also introduced to help add tighter restrictions to numerous animal welfare regulations.

"When would I need a license?" you may ask. A license is now necessary if you are planning on breeding puppies to make a profit or are planning to breed/sell three or more litters within a twelve month period.
"How do i apply for a license?" You would need to contact your local council to apply for the license. The council will then arrange an inspection of your home to make sure that your dogs are:
- Are living in a suitable accommodation and conditions
- Are being given adequate food, water and bedding
- Receiving enough exercise
- Are being transported in a safe and comfortable conditions in accordance with the highway code.

The breeding licenses law has also outlined the way in which breeders need to advertise their puppies and keeping records of sales. These records have to be kept for three years and must include:
- Each dogs name
- Each dogs sex
- Details of the puppies mother and father
- The address where the dogs currently live
- A description of the dog, markings, colour, etc
- The dogs breed
- Microchip details
- Details of any veterinary treatment they may/are receiving
It is just over a year now since the new law was introduced and we are hoping it has helped stop so many irresponsible breeders and brought down the number of puppy farms... unfortunately there are still people who breed dogs without doing their research and more and more puppies are being brought into this world with numerous health issues...So please if you are thinking about breeding your dog make sure it is definitely the right thing for you and to research the laws, licensing, etc. If you want to know more you can visit The Kennel Club Academy by clicking this link https://learn.kcacademy.org.uk/course/index.php?categoryid=6
Thank you for reading, please make sure to follow us on instagram and facebook to keep up with our posts! Information from this post was sourced from The Kennel Club Website and Edition Dog Magazine (make sure to pick up a copy!)
