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Hello my Canine Lovers! In this post I want to talk all bout keeping your dog cool during this immense heat!

A lot of dogs are not a fan of the heat, it can make them sick, dehydrated and lethargic. Below I will be listing different ways of keeping your pooch cool!

1) A GREAT way of keeping your dog cool is by standing their feet in cold water (a paddling pool) , this is good because aside from panting dogs cool down from the sweat glands in their paws so standing them in cold water can help lower the body temperature! Plus its even more fun for your dog if they enjoy a splash!

2) A cooling coat/vest can be a good idea, these are designed so that you soak them in water, ring them out and place them on your dog. All different cooling coats differ but some can stay cool for up to two hours, however constantly check how the coat feels against your dogs skin to determine if you need to re-soak it! A good brand for cooling coats is Ruffwear (Link at end of post)

3) An obvious one is making sure your dog always has access to fresh, cool water! I have at least three big bowls of water for Milo so he has constant access to avoid dehydrating. Try and keep the bowls out of direct sunlight otherwise the water will go warm.

4) Walking your dog during the cooler times of the day is a wise idea, early morning or late evening so they have gotten to have some exercise without over heating.

5) Lastly do NOT walk your dogs on hot concrete/pathways as this can burn your dogs paws which can be very painful and most likely result in a trip to your vet! A good day of telling if its safe for your dog to walk is by putting the back of your hand flat on the ground if you cant keep it down for more than 5 seconds then its not safe!

I hope those are some helpful tips! One extra thing that I try to do is buy Milo a Frozzy (frozen yoghurt) it is dog friendly and really helps cool Milo down! I have previously written a post all about Frozzy so if you would like to check that out just click the highlited Frozzy!

It is very important to keep your dog cool when its hot because the heat does not only make it uncomfortable for your dog but can lead to them getting heatstroke! Below is a diagram showing some of the symptoms of heatstroke.

If your dog shows any of these symptoms please seek veterinary help! Also look out for signs of dehydration, one good way of telling if your dog is dehydrated is by pinching the skin on their neck and seeing how quickly it bounces back if the skin is dry and slow to recover this may mean your dog is dehydrated! Also their urine will be dark in colour and their eyes will be sunken. If you aren't sure if your dog is dehydrated or not take them to your vet just to be on the safe side!

There are many other ways of keeping your dogs cool but Ive just listed a few I know work quite well with Milo and his friends but it all depends on your four legged friend!

If you have a dog with breathing problems such as a english bulldog, french bulldog, pug, boxer or mastiff please take extra care during hot days as they can suffer even more if they struggle to breathe properly which can affect how they regulate their temperature. And lastly it goes without saying...dont leave your dog in the car as dogs die in hot cars even if you have the window down and water in the car!

Hope you enjoyed reading everyone! This post was a long one! If you want me to write about anything in particular send me a message, I do have a contacts page! Thank you my canine lovers!

If you want links to products Ive mentioned they are at the bottom of this post!

Keep your pooch as cool as this big pup!

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